Lymphatic Self Care-Lymphedema of the Arm- Vodder Method-Self Lymphatic (No Leg Lymphedema Present)

Arm Swelling Relief Lymphatic Self-Care Education For Arm Swelling/Lymphedema, with missing axillary lymph nodes and for opposite healthy arms with lymph nodes present. Not for those with Leg Lymphedema. Not for those with acute infections, congestive heart failure, kidney problems or cancer.
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About This Product:

Ending May 2024-Learn Now!
Course access ends when platform ends May 2024 Learn Now. 
“The training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care.” 
Not for those with Leg Lymphedema. Try Face Sinus Scalp to start Self Care.
Obesity has been linked to lymphatic congestion. The cells you loose in weight loss and viral particles must leave the body through the lymphatic system due to their size. Under functioning lymphatics allows fluid, cells that you have lost and viral particles to remain in the body and they can't get out of the body! 
Self care of your lymphatic system assists proper lymphatic function which enables the fluid, cellular waste, and viral particles to be removed from the body. 

Learn the complete and ultimate sequence for Arm Lymphedema self manual lymphatic drainage Vodder Method Self-Care to aid in potentially helping your arm symmetry, lymphatic function and flow. Includes natural watershed activation techniques  for lymphatic re-routing to healthy lymphatic connections. Step by step guide.
For those with unilateral arm Lymphedema and normal drainage in the opposite arm/Axilla and normal drainage of the abdomen and same sided  leg lymphatic function.
Tutorial shows Left Side arm Lymphedema Self-care. Reversal of techniques can be applied to Right Arm Lymphedema. Instead of going left to right you do the same techniques on the right and go right to left for redirecting Axilla to Axilla.
After you go through the tutorial please email me at with what you’re specific experience was and let me know another need you feel you still have so we can continue to create and update content to add value with the goal of specifically increasing your health and happiness!
30 day cancellation policy, to try the tutorial.  Enjoy learning the gentle effectiveness of lymphatic self care.
“The training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care.”

Program Details

Navigation Through The Course Example
Available Now
Arm Lymphedema Power Point Video
Available Now
Lymphatic System YouTube Crash Course
Available Now
Initial and monthly Arm 39 min Tutorial Lymphedema Lymphatic Self-Care
Available Now
Arm Lymphedema Video With Subtitles
Available Now
Healthy Arm Manual Lymphatic Drainage Vodder Method
Available Now
Healthy Arm Lymphatic Brushing (Do only on the side without Lymphedema)
Available on Day 33

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Lorraine Sanderson BS LMT MLD/C CLT CMLDT

NYS Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist & Certified Lymphedema Therapist ACOLS and MLD Institute International, Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher USUI, Certified Face Yoga Teacher DC
See Full Biography >
NYS Licensed Massage Therapist
Lymphatic Specialist 
Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist  MLD/C (ACOLS)
Certified Lymphedema Therapist CLT (ACOLS)
Certified Reiki Master Practitioner I, II, III (USUI)
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (USUI)
Certified Face Yoga Teacher (DCFY) 
Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist CMLDT (MLD Institute International)
Law of Attraction Coach Certified

See Short Biography >

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